Fall Quilt Market is October 26 - 28, 2013. We will not have a booth this year. I decided to take a year off from vending to make future plans for Boulder Creek Designs and my hair business. In case you didn't know, I work a full time job as a hairdresser. Next year marks my 40th year of doing hair and helping women look their best. Is there life after hair? Or do olde hairdressers dye with a comb in their hands? (hee hee)
Usually at Quilt Market, it's all for the booth, new quilts and customers. But this year I'll be the customer and student. Woo Hoo!! I'm very excited about taking the 'Social Media and Marketing' class. The class is the same time as Sample Spree. It's that crazy, fun, rush of Quilt shop owners, stampeding to the Moda table for the new fat quarter bundles stacked 120 fat quarters high. It is something to watch. Well, maybe next year. I'll let you know how it all goes.....